国立マレーシア大学(The National University of Malaysia)口腔顎顔面外科からの留学研修が修了


Greetings. We came for attachment under Oral and Maxillofacial Department of Shimane University Hospital with the hopes of widening our horizon, and our educational excursion did not dissapoint us. The planning was well fasilitated by Matsuda sensei and we were greeted with warm smiles and kindness that we will never forget. Everyone here especially to Prof Kanno sensei and Kobayashi sensei educated us from a Japanese perspective. We really enjoyed our time here. It has been a very meaningful attachment and we will return to Malaysia happily with the memories of the attachment here. Thank you.

Showbanaa and Azura

5月1日からちょうど一か月間、わたくしが大学院および口腔外科専門医の外部審査試験官をつとめます、The National University of Malaysia, Faculty of Dentistry(国立マレーシア大学歯学部 口腔顎顔面外科学)より、AzuraさんとShowbannaさんの2名の留学生の1か月間にわたる臨床研修留学が修了しました。

教授 管野貴浩

